22 March 2011

Getting to know your camera

The aim of this exercise is to understand focal lengths, in particular to obtain the standard focal length (i.e. the focal length at which th eimage in the viewfinder matches the eye) and to consider how the size of objects changes in the viewfinder using zoom.

Equipment was Canon 450D with 25-105 zoom set on a tripod.

I find it impossbile to have both eyes open as the text in the exercise suggests so had to look through viewfinder then at scene and back again until reasonably sure had equivalence.

I chose Barrs Court Moat as a view over a narrow stretch of water allows for variety of scenery; this should make for very apparent differences between the images.

The standard focal length was about 60mm. and that was used for standard. Lens was opened out to 25mm focal length for wide angle shot and zoomed to 105mm for zoom shot.

Shots were as follows (standard, wide and zoom successively below):

Printed the 3 images and took back to location, noting the distance at which the standard print appeared the same size as real scene was about 12 cm ; the distance at which the wide angle print appeared the same size as real scene was not possible to identify - too close to face ; the distance at which the zoom print appeared the same size as real scene was 140cm.

A useful exercise. Noted also that had interesting focus in zoom shot where camera had autofocussed on near vegetation leaving oncoming ducks in background blurred - shallow depth of field.