Again, the two exercises are a reverse of one another; in the first the background is kept static and the effect of shutter speed is seen on the subject; in the second camera panning is used to maintain a sharp subject (as far as possible) and, in effect, the background moves. Both methods can create some interesting and impressionistic results.
For the first, it was best to have the camera on a tripod in a fixed position. The subject was my son on a bicycle. Camera was set on tripod and shutter priority (TV on Canon 450D) used; aperture will therefore be selected automatically. The auto focus mode was set to A1Focus - i.e once focus achieved on subject, the camera's focus will follow the movement of the subject, retaining it in focus.
11 images were taken using shutter speeds from 1/1500 to 1/10 as follows
1/1500 f4.5 - subject appears static - all image sharp
1/750 f4.5 - no significant difference from previous
1/500 f4.5 - still sharp
1/250 f4.5 - some blurring - more apparent in larger image
1/125 f4.5 - blurring now apparent even on smaller image
1/90 f4.5 - distinct blurring
1/60 f4.5 - features becoming unrecognisable
1/30 f5.6 (first aperture change) - more blurred
1/15 f8.0 - get feel of fast speed
1/8 f11 - impressionistic feel to image
1/4 f16 - at this point the bicycle virtually disappears
This exercise demonstrated the movement of subjects and how effects of speed can be achieved by shutter speeds. The range is from virtually statuesque subjects to an unrecognisable form.
As an aside, it should be mentioned that the first three images were underexposed. As shot in RAW the RAW converter was used to increase exposure after shooting.This worked satisfactorily.
The second exercise was the reverse - panning moving subject with camera off tripod to maintain a sharp subject with a blurred background. Camera again used with shutter priority.
Cars were chosen for this - a harder subject due to the higher speed. I am not good with panning - reactions tend to be slow with cars almost past me by time taken. Many images were taken before settling on the 11 below:
The second exercise was the reverse - panning moving subject with camera off tripod to maintain a sharp subject with a blurred background. Camera again used with shutter priority.
Cars were chosen for this - a harder subject due to the higher speed. I am not good with panning - reactions tend to be slow with cars almost past me by time taken. Many images were taken before settling on the 11 below:
1/750 f4.0 - subject and background sharp
1/500 f4.0 - still sharp
1/250 f9.0 - houses slightly blurred despite narrower aperture
1/125 f13.0 - houses more blurred
1/90 f13.0 speed effect more noticeable
1/60 f22 - wheels retain blurred effect
1/60 f19 - probably best image with car central and distinct blurring
1/60 f19
1/30 f22 - well captured at this slow aperture
1/10 f22 - beyond point now where it is possible to keep a car in focus - impressionistic effect
1/10 - sharp at front of truck
This was ambitious challenge - cyclists would have been easier - but gained some confidence that I can pan by practising following the movement. The effects work well.