22 May 2011


This exercise was to find some strong diagonals in images.

Diagonals can arise naturally or because of the perspective of the camera shot. I took one image that is a completely natural diagonal:

The image was taken in a silver birch forest in the Carpathian mountains.

There are two pronounced diagonals caused by the falling trees among the vertical growing trees and the knowledge that this is a completely natural occurrence in virgin forest does I think make for a powerful impact - nature in action.

In away this second image is an extension of the first image, still dead wood but this time being stored for use in the yard of a rural Carpathian household. The length, amount and size of the logs accentuates the diagonal.

Diagonals of the third and fourth images are created purely by perspective:

This the back of the BRASOV sign on Mount Tampa that dominates the town below Hollywood style. Taking the image from the side at the back creates the strong right left diagonal and the strength of the image is completed by including the town below.

Closer to home this is the A4174. Here the diagonals are again created by perspective and the sense of movement increased by using a slow 1/4 second shutter speed.

From this exercise I learnt that  diagonals manifest themselves frequently in photography and can be natural or created by perspective.