14 June 2011

Update 14 June

After the day with Derek, I now realise that  must get back to doing more with the software. I mentioned last time that I have acquired Photomatix but also noted that Derek uses Topaz adjust

Looking at Topaz plug-ins, realise that most would have some use. I like the fact that they simplify a lot of things that Photoshop does but often in convoluted ways, and provide a number of presets that will probably suffice in most cases. So decide to order the bundle at $230 less 25% student discount.

Before that though, need to order Photoshop CS5. I have CS4, but am very interested in the following features in CS5:
  • HDR pro - it may be that supersedes Photomatix but having spent only £23.21 after 75% on Photomatix, I can handle that and it will be interesting to compare products.
  • Puppet warp - probably silly but does allow manipulation of certain parts of images such as limbs - could be useful to add say a lifted leg rather than having a person standing;
  • Improved selection using edit mask - slightly tricky but does make for much easier selection of hair for example;
  • Context aware edit fill and healing brush. This is most useful as it effectively allows for removal of large objects - the tourist removal tool - and  telephone lines
  • Camera RAW 6 - in particular the noise reduction tool.
I have viewed several tutorials so am looking forward to receiving from Amazon. Getting the full product for £162.09, a 73% reduction from full price quoted on Amazon of £599.99 and 28% off the full upgrade price on Amazon of £225.19 - as Adobe sometimes make no migration path beyond a few releases it is useful to have a full product.

The full package for Topaz will be $250 and will cost me $187.50 compared to $490 for the individual set if acquired individually. Adjust, Remask and Infocus look very good. There is overlap in the products - you can almost see that Adobe have seen what Topaz do on ReMask for selection and base their context aware tool on this. In this respect could have manged perhaps with CS4 and use Topaz for the additional areas. However for about £117 I can have the option of using whichever tool works best.

Lastly can Silver Efex Pro2 for 100 euros, about £87. This is normally £184 so about half price. This appears reasonalbe for the software to make the best B&W conversions around.

Exciting stuff, moving me to next level for processing.