5 July 2011

Update 5 July

Assignment 2 now completely done and dusted; have posted feedback with a lot of detail and included some images incorporating tutor's suggestions for comparison.

A2 has taken some time - started on 24 April so over two months; however it is fairly long  (includes nine exercises) and there was a need to  increase the standard of images. Early May was very difficult time wise - went to Romania which provided plenty of material but they took time to sort on return, and was busy with other things for a couple of weeks after. So overall, not dissatisfied with progress. Am spending 12+ hours a week on photography presently but that includes some non OCA time (e.g. looking at shots taken in Cornwall).

Good start to Colour - the post box images worked well for Exercise1 and have nearly all images ready for Exercise 2, only need orange and will use fruit for that. See from blogs that some students find this exercise time-consuming (particularly finding violet images) but can feel smug here as have looked ahead and taken images suitable for colour ahead of the exercise, knowing it is coming up. The notes point out the need to have a library of images; I would advocate looking ahead too so you can use opportunities when they arise. Only four exercises in Colour so expect to complete end August allowing for holiday. Light is long - 12 exercises - and given will be busy on other matters, so this part of the course might take till Christmas, although will take notes to look for images while away in US. Currently looks like a year to complete course, about what I thought.

Feel better about the whole thing again - A2 has got me on track and the new techniques are giving me new things to think about. It is almost too much presently - could do with some time off OCA to consolidate other things, but that risks losing momentum.