6 September 2011

Update 6 September

Finally finished the processing of USA images last week and posted on Picasa https://picasaweb.google.com/chris.sims3/usajuly2011 . Got some good feedback (though think there is a problem with taking nearly four weeks to complete, people's attention has moved on).

A few of my favourites are:

All bar the first two images required a high degree of post processing. The second image was produced by using the HDR Toning function in Photoshop CS5, the first time I have used this successfully. It seems to be a hit or miss option, sometimes works well, others less so.

The same may be said for the Topaz suite of photo processing. I acquired this as part of my effort to raise the game and having seen Derek use it. There are two problems with it: 1) it increases the time to post process, a real problem when you have hundreds of images, so can only be used for selected ones; 2) it is very hit and miss. It is not always easy to decide which product to use (most notably whether to use Adjust or Detail) as there is overlap, so you can completely waste your time. BUT....it can deliver as can be seen from the last image. This was a drab shot but Adjust added a vibrancy and clarity that could not obtain via the more usual options. If I were entering for a competition, I would try and clone out the bin and perhaps blur the background but Adjust made a big difference.

It did too for the penultimate shot - I picked up from the online tutorials that Adjust works very well for images of old vehicles and the like - the algorithm seems to pick put the detail and contrast in a way that Photoshop cannot. I took some close ups of this vehicle and others and, using Topaz Adjust, got some fine detail.

The middle image provided a challenge in exposure compensation. I spent some time altering the highlights and shadows and burning and dodging so as to get some detail of the people while not burning out the view. I like the candid shot - three people adopting a window pane to themselves, two very reflective, one doing the traditional activity. It is meant to be a shot about them rather than the view.

What did I pick up?

1) Topaz and Siver Efex are useful tools but they are time-consuming and, as tutor has pointed out, don't replace the basics. They are another tool in the bag. Two rules of any software: 1) Most people use only a small fraction of the functionality; 2) Go back and revisit the tutorials after using. I certainly shall do the latter;

2) HDR is overrated - took several tries that really did not work. Ironic that the best (above) was only a single HDR toning - the AEB combinations generally did not work as well as hoped.  Scott Kelby is a fan of HDR in CS5, can't say I am and will revert to Photomatix. Like Topaz, Photomatix is a tool, but need to be more discriminate when to bother with AEB- it just adds time otherwise;

3) Probably still need to use delete button more often. 1,000 images came down to under 300 by the end (partly because there were several AEB shots for HDR processing) but this still required a lot of time to post process;

4) Don't worry about it! It took time but I learnt a lot in the process and took pleasure from reviewing and revisiting the experience. Adding comments in Picasa makes you find out a bit more (e.g Wiki'd the sculptures in Grant Park) so the whole presentation looks more considered and professional.

5) A big win was using the holiday to help with OCA course but not get too ambitious. In other words, use the opportunity of having camera all day every day to source material (and much will be used in Assignment 3) but don't pressure yourself to ensure that every base is covered. This way I have been able to mix with other images, as with Romania trip.

6) Following on from that, is to use the course to complement the trip photography. I took several images of colours (some used in course, others not) that added some variety and interest to the portfolio. Now start to see the benefits of the course (and not forgetting Derek's training, got some good low and close shots) in the way I was seeking - to increase one's imagination and breadth of material. Said before, I am not in this to be a professional photographer, but to improve my output, mainly in terms of subject matter.

The images for the last two exercises and Assignment are more or less ready so can get Chapter 3 finished shortly.