13 December 2011

Evidence of action

The object of this exercise is to produce a photograph which evidences that somethig has happened.

I selected an image of a squashed can:

f4 1/4 sec

The can is on the road and has evidently been run over by a car. The image was taken at night and lit solely by the tungsten street lamp.

Five examples of concepts that are regularly depicted in advertsing or publicity, which cannot be shown directly:

  • Sex- many male and female cosmetic and clothing commercials hint at this;
  • Driving fast - car ads meticulously avoid max speeds in favourof sleek lines or subliminal hints at speed;
  • Periods - commercials for liners or similar simply talking about "staying dry" and not showing;
  • Drinking too much - alcohol ads major on something new and fun, omitting the effects of alcohol (favourable as well as unfavourable);
  • Orange have of course made a name for themselves by never having a phone in their commercials