17 July 2011

The Adobe photoshop CS5 book

This is listing of matters that I have picked up from Scott Kelby's book. It is not a precis of the book as much of the early part I know already, as I tend to use Photoshop Camera Raw Converter for most of my post processing so pointless to map out what is known. It is simply a useful source for matters that I did not know or had not used fully.

One key feature is that Kelby is a big believer in using the Camera Raw converter as it is simple, instantaneous and totally undoable. Big tick, as I am too!

Missing JPEG look  - p26. Apply Camera Profile.
White Balance use WB tool - p30 Click on tool and find something that is mid grey.
Tip - p41 ctrl-alt-z undoes edit one by one.
Curves - add contrast (contrast slider not useful, not my experience)
Tip - p50 hold shift when open in mini bridge and it opens immediately in PS
Tip p51. show overlay include rule of thirds overlay.
Double-processing for skies p54. Difficult procedure but remember to have darker version with nice sky on top of image exposed for foreground. Use smart objects. Add layer Mask to top layer - make sure it is black then brush. Ensure foreground colour is white