17 July 2011

Update 17 July

Have been busy on the photography front recently.

Went to see an exhibition of OCA's work in Bath and as a result contacted him. We are due to meet in August. I shall be glad to exchange notes over our experiences. He is I think farther advanced than me, being LRPS which he may have achieved when doing TAOP was sufficient to gain the qualification.

Have done most of the images for the remaining Colour exercises and some for the assignment. As the Assignment is very similar to one of the exercises have decided to do almost at same time. The black and white exercise is done also but will write up all three during August.

Last Friday was a graduation for one of my sons and another one graduates tomorrow. These provide some useful material for the exercises.

Been reading Scott Kelby's Photoshop CS5 book. Have not hitherto made notes on it but think no it actually would be useful to summarise some of the tips.