2 December 2011

Update 2 December

Have completed Assignment 4. Before I commenced the Chapter, I though this would be the least time consuming assignment. How wrong! The fact that you can arrange the subject, change the lighting, alter the angle, review the camera settings mean there are an infinite number of ways a shot can be taken. This was quite new to me, and contributed to a deal of indecision and a colossal number of digital images taken; so many in fact that got data overload before reviewing how I was going about the assignment.

The lesson was to have a clearer idea of what could work and how before setting up the lighting and the background. This way the number of options was manageable.

I enjoyed doing the assignment and related exercises - it has whetted appetite to consider more indoor photography, and has increased my knowledge of using Speedlite from virtually nothing to a semblance of competence. Have bought the Speedliter's Handbook to find out more.

Recently, I viewed some photography at the West of England Arts Academy in Clifton, Bristol. Photographs were only a very small part of what is a display of art by many local artists, mostly painting and available to purchase. I saw only a handful, as follows:

An image by Lynne Collins that demonstrates a beautiful light effect of trees growing in an abandoned church. Lynne is clearly optimistic: she is asking £2,500 for her photograph.

Another image is of two lorries parked in brown savanna. A curious choice of subject that does not work in my view.

A couple of images of old doors, one with peeling paint, one with very worn paint, show off pleasing texture.

Now move on to the last Chapter. I aim to complete this early in 2012, our planned holiday in South Africa is surely a good opportunity to do the last Assignment. Reading has not been as wide as might be but watching the BBC series Genius of Photography has been a real inspiration and a very good synopsis of the art form. I have Gerry Badger's Genius of Photography  book on which the television series was based. Assuming I do further courses, there will be years of opportunity to read around the subject.